Sunday, June 22, 2008


A comment of reflection was offered by the Wind & I which is shared below. Thanks to the Wind & I for their views on what love is and how love feels. Enjoy.
The Wind & I comment follows:

All these years all these tears! How easily we forget or even worse never really know what happiness is! Where is the gauge that one is to measure with? What are the paremeters one uses to compare or fashion a life of happiness with another? Well, would you not agree that it simply just does not exist! Isn't it true that a child growing up in a third world country does not know what he or she is missing so they are simply lost in some void!?

Well there is your answer! happiness does not, cannot exist anywhere but in ones own heart! One must be happy with ones self! Let me put it another way. You can never be anyone's anything till you are your own person!

So the first step is to find that personal happiness. How you say? Well the first step is to let go of all posessions! Not give away physicaly just throw away the importance! Remember there is no inherent value in anything it is placed there by the person! Once you do this you let your spirit free to realize that one must not cling to anything! Only praize it for its beauty and let it pass by!

Now you are at the essence of what true love is about! It is not things in common! It is not about houses and pets! It is about two human beings walking their paths on this earth! It is about two indivuals who have this gleam in their eye a little bounce in there step! It is these two human beings who cling to each other in the dark! The knowledge passing from their minds to their hearts that, yes this might be their last act on earth so they hold nothing back! They love with a passion of goodbye.........

Then they are complete! They awaken and face the day! They have stumbled on that wonderful secret that if you understand that you did your best, that when the sad day comes as it will surely come! They can rejoice at having been blessed in that they really loved there are no regrets!

How sad a world where a woman cannot be herself! A woman cannot go out with a man and if she chooses to make love to him for no other reason than she wanted to! She did what was right for her no fears of labels no worries of what he or others might think! What a wonderful woman she would be! That twinkle in her eye from the confidence she has in herself would be such a peasure to share! How much more apealing she would be because she was not acting a role she was simply living life...

June 19, 2008 9:05 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your viewpoint! Wonderful point of view of life! Are you a "liberated woman?"