Another year has come and gone. Gosh, it seems only yesterday. Before going any further, may you have a productive and prosperous year! Many will plan resolutions to be challenged in 2011. Some will want to lose weight, some will want to get their finances in balance, others will want to forgive and be forgiven of the past and take steps to do just that and still others will search themselves for answers to their ills and misfortunes. It is to this last group that this article is addressed.
Ever wondered why misfortunes and ills seem to follow like a little black cloud above your head. Nothing seems to go right, no matter how great your intentions. The dime store answer to this perplexing wonder is there’ll be bad times but they don’t always last. And again that is the dime store answer. The million dollar answer to this wonder is such experiences are caused by a mind defiled by negativeness.
Think about it for a moment. Being human means living with a double edged sword of life. On the one edge, life is experienced internally through thoughts and emotions, while on the other edge; the life experience is external through physical sensations and environmental influences. These two experiences feed one another. Eventually over time, specific patterns develop whereby the thoughts control the behavior as a reaction to some external stimulus. This is the cause for the “rut” in which one finds their life. A life that has not experienced many external rewards becomes conditioned to expect the negatives. It is programmed to not only expect the negatives but the reaction is to accept the negatives as general principles.
Allow this year to truly be new by reconditioning the thoughts and emotions. Instead of running away from the negativeness of life; face it. Face the reality as it is, while at the same time observing your reactions. Many people cannot renew their lives because they have been too long absent from observing it. They have grown accustomed to observation in the past tense rather than observing the moment. They are stuck in a type of mental automation which removes the captain from her/his seat.
Self observation shows the reality internally and externally. Do not be the person who only looks outward for the cause of her/his calamities. The cause of all negativeness lies within. Be persistent in observing your reactions, change routes/designs to resolutions. Eventually you will develop new patterns and the mind will become free and once more filled with possibilities. A free mind is a mind more capable of loving and being loved because it is filled with the joy of new successes and rewards.
Let’s Restore Love in 2011.