Our relationships are vital and precious. There is the adage, that no man is an island. With levels of truth to this statement, we should handle our relationships with great care; treasure them.
In the turmoil of todays' relationships, we actually see brothers against brothers, husbands against wives, fathers and mothers against sons and daughters, friends against one another. It does not have to be this way; no, not if you take steps to love one another.
Love must be learned -just as any other concept- as part of our cognitive decvelopment. We must practice the concepts of what it means to love, and to be loved. The evolution of our relationships depend on learning the concepts of loving and being loved. We cannot place our relationshps on automatic drive and expect value of them. We must be pro-active in developing that value. Is it not said that what we put in is what we gain from our efforts? Moreover, Jesus, the most profound man of history pointed out, "...the measure you use, will be measured to you..." (NIV Luke 6:38 and Mark 4:24).
At times, in any given relationship you are involved in, you will find that you move in opposite directions from the other person/s in the relationship. If no one makes the attempt to bridge these disconnects; you drift even further apart in the other direction.
To establish a bridge and reconnect can be as simple as a good night kiss to the forehead of your son or daughter, a touch to the cheek of your significant other as they leave the house, a phone call to a friend to say, "I miss you", a card, a letter, and if you're new or rather rusty at all this, send a text message to say "Hi". Any small effort will do; in this case, a little goes a long way. Start today to avoid becoming an island.