All of our experiences are temporary. No matter what we are involved in it will eventually be over and finished, the experience, nothing more than a memory. This unfolding and closing of events is how humanity evolves. The love we have for those people in our lives should evolve as well. Love grows but not if un-nurtured.
There is nothing more aggravating than a stale, energy absorbing, going no where, and doing nothing, flat, fizzed-out relationship. Regardless of the category of relationship it is, it must be imbued with energy that keeps it alive and interesting. The fact that we are evolving says that we have little time to do this. We have to fix what’s wrong and move forward in a positive, loving environment that we create.
To fix what’s wrong begins- and let’s say it together- with you.
In these pages over and over you will read of getting to know yourself first and then your communication with others. Self awareness is where it all starts. Some are so angry or fearful about life they lose themselves in events that delivers more anger, more fear. We must be willing to take the journey of self discovery to understand and accept who we are. When we are unaware of self we are like ones who cannot see, hear or speak.
We can’t become aware if we will not examine who and how we are. Be willing to look at yourself without guilt, without judgment. Examine everything: the negatives and the positives, look fully at what motivates you, what stops up your active movement, what turns you off , turns you on , what elates your spirit, what stops success, what motivated your last thought and even why you don’t eat apple pie.
Examine it all!!
This examination is to make you aware. There is nothing to correct or fix during this examination. It’s the same as an examination at your doctor-making an assessment before taking any action. Through it you become aware of yourself and know exactly what to accept that works to make you better, greater, more capable of loving and being loved. If it works, keep it; if it does not work cast it. If others point out your faults and failures, you are way ahead of them- you already know. You’ve made the assessment and you’re working on it.
Be alive and nurture your relationship, after placing yourself on the next level toward joy and happiness, reach out and touch those you share a relationship with, help them to experience what you discovered. Love more, do more, enjoy more. Time is of the essence.
Let’s Restore Love