Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Some Words?

Children, preteen girls, were overheard talking today.
Their conversation stemmed today's blog.
One young girl says, "why love, I mean what is that anyway, right?"
The other responded, "I mean people say it all the time, I hate to
hear it. Like when people say it, you don't know if they're telling the truth or if
they just want something from you or want you to do something."
One of the girls, imitated in a deep comical voice, "I Looove Yew". Both began to giggle hilariously.
As their laughter subsided, they looked at each other smiling and one said, "yea, rrright!" They burst into laughter again.

Some adults view the word love in the same manner. As just a word in order to get something or entice someone do something for them.
The statement that one of the girls made, "... people say it all the time...", interpreted without any validity. Could it be that she has witnessed empty relationships that now shape her view of love? Could it be she has stopped trusting those who say this to her? It could.

There is no love without trust, there is no love without action, there is no empty love. Yes, there are those who use the "I Love You" card to prey on the emotions of others as a means to an end. These wretches developed from some system where they never experienced genuine love or bitterness behind losing such love. As some of them grew and developed they never felt a need for or anyone to give them love and affection. With some others, they were shown love and affection but somehow lost it.
No matter which group, they now view love as a weakness of others. Their existence, a way of brute survival and their "I Love You" simply a plot, a ploy, some words to throw out to another in order to acquire something; they use it as a method to control the mind and being of another individual. How wrong is this??

Their way of being applies to the lower end of the human spectrum simply because love to such "types" is null. To see their hearts, visualize the dried sun bleached animal skull that lies in the desert. To see their minds, visualize a maggot infested, rotting carcass along a country road.
Sad and disgusting but the association is very close.

Let's Restore Love.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beginning to End

Poetry expresses much in so few words.
A long relationship over 2, over 15, over 25
years can sometimes be summed up
in just a few words.

Its been a long time
when near to you
I was.
Our closeness I
once felt
now as ice melts.
Is it me, Is it you
who pulls away from
My heart screams out
a bellowing cry,
why, sweetie, why?
Only you know the answer that brought
sadness to my soul
only you know the answer that turned my heart cold.
Someday joy on my path will come.
The treasures I'll carry
when your soul touched mine
in passionate states as we intertwined
so sweetly , so sweetly, but love did not grow,
you never allowed your love to flow
instead you placed obstacles in our path
and one plus one equaled three in your math.
Its ok and all is well
despite the fact that I went through hell.
Now as I heal and caress my wounds I turn again
to be in tune.
and so without you I will grow,
my heart will heal and I will know,
but it will be a memory
my love for you, your love for me.
Time will test all that we do
your love for me
my love for you
and with our new loves, as we reminisce
respect each other
respect the mind for it created
all that we felt
for it is what makes
love so real, so grand,
Never tiring to say I love you more & more each day
Never speaking harsh words to generate pain
to do this we will gain.
The rewards of love can only be known
when it is nurtured, when it has grown.
let us be free, enough to be
me loving you
you loving me.
